100 Days of Blogging: Lessons Learned and Future Plans

100 Days of Blogging: Lessons Learned and Future Plans
Photo by Javier Graterol / Unsplash

Today, I celebrate a personal achievement: 100 consecutive days of publishing something on this blog. As someone who used to struggle with writing consistently, reaching this milestone is a big deal for me. This effort has not been without its challenges; there were days when I was sick, tired, or stressed, yet I still managed to publish something. For that, I have to say that I'm proud of having achieved this objective.

In this post, I'll share the approach I took, the variety of topics I covered, and the reasons behind my writing.

The Approach: No Filters, Just Publish

In the past, writing was a daunting and time-consuming task for me. It involved hours of pondering topics, articulating thoughts, researching, rewriting, and finally, hitting the publish button. However, for these 100 days, my approach was straightforward: no filters, just publish. My focus was on achieving my personal OKR, which was to write and publish daily without overthinking it. Despite facing obstacles such as illness, exhaustion, or stress, I persevered and remained committed to my goal.

Diverse Topics

Over these 100 days, I've covered a wide range of topics, with the most common ones being:

  1. Entrepreneurship
  2. Life and Personal Development
  3. Parenting
  4. Writing

Additionally, I explored other subjects like innovation, golf, leadership, business, artificial intelligence, and frameworks, among others.

Reasons Behind My Writing

One of my primary motivations for writing was to leave a collection of thoughts and experiences for my children in case I'm no longer here. I also aimed to organize my ideas, such as the LEVELL Framework, and share experiences I've always wanted to write about, like running a marathon or meeting Los Tigres del Norte. As I continued to write, I found inspiration in sharing business ideas I've documented over time and the lessons I've learned as a parent.

Future Plans

I'm not sure if I'll continue to write daily, but I do plan to reorganize my writings, making them more accessible and tailored to a specific audience so I can add value to them. Instead of sharing content every day, I'll switch to a weekly newsletter format, which may include references to some of the things I write during the week, among other topics.


These 100 days of blogging have been an insightful experience for me, allowing me to grow as a person, reflect on my thoughts, and share my knowledge with others. As I move forward, I'm excited to refine my writing process and continue engaging with an audience through a weekly newsletter.

Call to Action

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