Personal OKRs: Unleashing Your Full Potential

It's one thing to know your Personal Mission, understand your core values, and have a bucket list of experiences and achievements in each of the Six Pillars of the LEVELL Framework: Love, Exploration, Vitality, Education, Legacy, and Livelihood. It's another to bring those aspirations to life.

Enter Personal OKRs.

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) have gained widespread popularity as a goal-setting tool, especially in the tech startup world. But don't let that fool you. OKRs can be used for any type of goal, personal or professional.

What are Personal OKRs?

An OKR is comprised of two parts:

  1. An Objective: a clear and inspiring statement of what you want to achieve.
  2. Key Results: at least three measurable and quantifiable metrics that will track progress towards the objective.

The progress of an OKR is calculated as the average progress of its Key Results. And to keep things focused, it's common to set OKRs with an expiration date of 3 months (since they're usually set on a quarterly basis).

Make Personal OKRs Your Own

While these are the standard elements of an OKR, remember: you can make them work for you. If a 3-month expiration date isn't long enough, make it longer. If you want to track more or fewer Key Results, go for it. The point is to find what works for you and your goals.

Ultimately, Personal OKRs are a powerful way to turn your aspirations into reality. So why not give them a try?