Good to Great - An Infographic

Good to Great - An Infographic
Photo by Blaz Photo / Unsplash

As I was graduating, someone recommended that I read two books I have found very useful and whose concepts I have applied throughout my career: Good to Great and Built to Last, both by Jim Collins.

Of the two, Good to Great was particularly eye-opening for me, and I have applied many of its concepts throughout my career. The book outlines eight core concepts:

Here are one-line explanations for each of the eight core concepts of Good to Great by Jim Collins:

  • Level 5 Leadership: Leaders who blend humility with professional will.
  • First Who, Then What: Get the right people on the bus, then figure out where to drive it.
  • Confront the Brutal Facts (Yet Never Lose Faith): Confront the harsh realities of the situation while maintaining an unwavering faith in a positive outcome.
  • The Hedgehog Concept (Simplicity Within the Three Circles): Focus on what drives your economic engine, what you're passionate about, and what you can be the best in the world at.
  • A Culture of Discipline: Combine a culture of discipline with an ethic of entrepreneurship.
  • Technology Accelerators: Use technology as an accelerator, not a momentum creator.
  • The Flywheel and the Doom Loop: Building momentum is like pushing a giant, heavy flywheel, but beware of the doom loop, which can cause the flywheel to reverse direction.
  • Preserve Core and Stimulate Progress: Continuously adapt and evolve while staying true to the company's core values and purpose.

After reading the book, I created an infographic that I printed and kept near my desk. If you find it useful, you can download and print it.

Designed by Enrique Bay with Concepts from Good to Great by Jim Collins