The Confidence Muscle

The Confidence Muscle
Photo by Jehyun Sung / Unsplash

Confidence is a fascinating trait that can transform our lives in ways we could never imagine. It's like a magic pill that gives us the courage to try things that would have seemed impossible before. When we are confident, we have a sense of assurance that helps us navigate life easily. The most significant accomplishments in history have been achieved by overconfident people... so have the most dramatic downfalls.

Confidence is something that only comes naturally to some. Most people gain it through a series of attempts at doing things outside of their comfort zone. It's like a muscle that must be exercised regularly to grow stronger. From riding a scary rollercoaster to starting a new business, the more we challenge ourselves to take risks, the more confident we become.

For me, the "confidence as a muscle" realization struck me while at college. I accidentally ran for President of my class. I had no experience in public speaking or debating, much less convincing people to vote for me. Our team put up a great fight but lost to the incumbents. However, that experience was a turning point in my life; it gave me incredible confidence. It was my first exposure to leadership and paved the way for me to take on more challenging roles. The more challenging those roles, the more confident I became. The confidence I gained from that first accident has stayed with me throughout my life and has given me the courage to take on new challenges. Some have been successful, and others not so much.

Still, when handed an opportunity to lead, embrace it with open arms, even if it frightens you. It's incredible how a single "accident" can lead to a chain of events that can transform our lives. Taking risks early in our careers can help us exercise our confidence muscle and set us up for success.

Confidence cannot be gained overnight. It takes practice and effort to build up, often requiring stepping out of our comfort zones and taking risks. Next time you face a challenge that scares you, remember that taking that leap of faith could be the first step towards building your confidence and achieving... and sometimes failing, your goals.