How to discover your values

Having a clear set of values not only helps us make better decisions but also allows us to be consistent in our actions and behavior. People will trust and respect us more when our actions align with our values. In contrast, when our actions don't match our values, we may come across as inauthentic or untrustworthy.

Discovering your values

Discovering your values can be a challenging task. It can involve introspection, self-reflection, and even seeking feedback from others. Start by thinking about what matters most to you in life. What do you believe in? What makes you feel fulfilled and satisfied? What are your non-negotiables? Once you have a list of potential values, narrow it down to the top five or ten that are most important to you.

Prioritizing your values

Once you have a list of your core values, prioritizing them is essential. Some values may be more important to you than others, and it's essential to understand which values take precedence in different situations. For example, if integrity is your top value, it may take precedence over financial gain in a business decision.

Living your values

Now that you have a clear set of values and understand their priority, it's time to start living them. This means making decisions and taking actions that align with your values. It also means being mindful of your behavior and how it aligns with your values. Remember, values are not just something we have, but they are something we live.

In conclusion, having a clear set of values is essential for making better decisions, having a long-term view, and being consistent in our actions. It's not always easy to discover and prioritize our values, but it's a worthwhile exercise that will lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.