How to improve sleep with a routine for humans, and not robots

How to improve sleep with a routine for humans, and not robots
Photo by Chris Curry / Unsplash

Alarm at 6:00 a.m. and out of bed before 6:15 am

As soon as you wake up, encourage yourself to get out of bed immediately. Allot 15 minutes for quickly checking your phone if needed but don't overextend; give yourself an extra 15 minutes if the night before wasn't restful. If possible, check emails and read a few news headlines in that time frame - no more than that! Prepare exercise clothes ahead of time so they're waiting for when you're ready to change into them later on. If you wake up after 5:15 a.m., avoid going back to sleep and start your day regardless of how much sleep you got the previous night!

Go for a run (or cardio) at 6:45 a.m. for no less than 15 min.

Take your run a step further - if you're feeling motivated, increase your distance up to 5-10 km. Take the time out of your day to incorporate some strength or flexibility training with yoga, calisthenics, or weights for 15-30 minutes each. This is just as essential as running and it's more beneficial in the long run to do two activities (15+15) than one activity (30-45 min).

Get ready and start the day

Make sure to shower and be ready for the day before 8 am. After 11 am, abstain from consuming coffee while after 3 pm you should avoid any alcohol intake throughout your workday. If necessary, allow yourself one beer or two on a single day during the week but no more than that - sleeping with alcohol will increase your resting heart rate by 10-20% which could affect both how much sleep you obtain and its quality!

Wind down

For a better night's rest, aim to have dinner before 7 pm and cease working by 9. This will help your mind relax so you can sleep peacefully. Make a daily to-do list if possible - even an incomplete one helps! Limit TV time to just 1 hour (50 minutes for 1 episode or two 25-minute episodes) instead of binge-watching; finally, try not to drink any water after 9 PM — but if needed no more than a few sips here and there.

Go to sleep

Making sure to be in bed before 10 p.m., even if you are not yet feeling drowsy, is vitally important for a good night's sleep. After 10:30 p.m., make yourself a promise that your cell phone will remain off and attempt to limit the time you spend using it beforehand as well. One clever way of falling asleep when tiredness eludes you is counting backward from one thousand - nine times out of ten, by the time you reach 900, sleep will have found its way into your cozy abode!

Of course, this won't work all the time. I am writing this post at 10:47 pm =/ But if you are going to fail at least make it worth it.