My 60-Day Education OKR Experiment: Mastering AI and Notion with ChatGPT's Assistance

My 60-Day Education OKR Experiment: Mastering AI and Notion with ChatGPT's Assistance
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

As part of my personal Education OKR, I've decided to learn AI and Notion to improve my skills and broaden my knowledge. To ensure a practical learning experience and to maximize the potential for skill enhancement and earning opportunities, I consulted ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, to help me devise a comprehensive plan. In this blog post, I will share the plan, the prompts I used to achieve optimal results, and my expectations as I begin this experiment.

Section 1: Crafting the Perfect Prompts

To get the most effective plan from ChatGPT, I focused on three key objectives: learning, enhancing, and earning. I asked ChatGPT to help me design a program that:

  1. Covers the essential AI and Notion concepts (learning)
  2. Enables me to create valuable resources like templates and newsletters (enhancing)
  3. Provides opportunities to monetize my skills and resources (earning)

The optimal prompt I used to accomplish these goals was: "I want to spend the following 60 days learning about AI and Notion. My primary objective is to create at least 8 Notion templates and publish a bi-weekly AI newsletter. Help me craft a detailed plan to accomplish my goal while optimizing for learning, enhancing, and earning."

Section 2: The 60-Day Plan Breakdown

ChatGPT provided a comprehensive 60-day plan which I've broken down into critical milestones:

1. Week 1: Basic understanding of AI and Notion

  • AI Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Notion

2. Week 2: Deep dive into AI topics and Notion databases

  • AI Topics
  • Notion Databases

3. Week 3: Advanced AI concepts and Notion integrations

  • Advanced AI Concepts
  • Notion Integrations

4. Week 4: Designing and building Notion templates

  • Building Notion Templates

5. Week 5-8: Writing and publishing the AI newsletter

  • Newsletter Issues 1 & 2
  • Newsletter Issues 3 & 4
  • Newsletter Issues 5 & 6
  • Newsletter Issues 7 & 8

Section 3: Expectations for the Upcoming Experiment

As I begin this experiment with ChatGPT's plan, I anticipate an effective learning process, balancing theoretical and practical applications. I'm eager to create valuable resources, such as Notion templates and a bi-weekly newsletter, to enhance my personal and professional life.

I'd appreciate your thoughts and experiences with AI and Notion or any questions you may have. Feel free to share your insights in the comments section below or connect with me on social media. I will provide updates on my progress throughout the experiment, so stay tuned!