Personal Brand and Being Intentional

Personal branding happens whether we like it or not. You may call it reputation, image, or identity. Whether you're a business leader, a manager, or an aspiring professional, being intentional about

Platforms and Networks 101 (Pt. 2/2)

Part 1 was about the basics of platform-mediated networks and their various components, roles, and types. Now, we'll see the implications of these networks and their impact on business. One of

Platforms and Networks 101 (Pt. 1/2)

One of the most enjoyable classes during my MBA was Industrial Economics by Robert Pindyck. One of the most insightful topics we discussed in that class was Platforms and Networks. Today, I'

Becoming Valuable in Society

Everyone aspires to be wealthy, but wealth means different things to different people. Some may envision luxury cars and private jets, while others seek a comfortable home and passive income to support a