Good to Great - An Infographic

As I was graduating, someone recommended that I read two books I have found very useful and whose concepts I have applied throughout my career: Good to Great and Built to Last, both

18 Great Businesses - Pt. 2

This is a continued post from 100 Great Businesses Pt. 1 10. Microsoft Bill Gates demonstrated his programming talent from a young age. After dropping out of Harvard, he and a friend opened

18 Great Businesses - Pt. 1

Nearly 20 years ago, I read a simple book called "100 Great Businesses and the Minds Behind Them". I was fascinated by the origin stories of many products and services we

When to know if an idea is bad?

Ideas are a commodity; they come and go. Every day, we can think of and generate tens or hundreds of ideas just by observing and being aware of what is happening around us.