The Indescribable Feeling of Becoming a Parent

From the first heartbeat in an ultrasound and for the rest of your life, becoming a parent detonates an instinct that stays with you for the rest of your life. A part of my idealistic self went out the window when I heard my firstborn's cry. My priorities were flipped; from then on, it was all about the baby.

Sleep is never the same. You finally understand the phrase, "it takes a village to raise a child." Do you think you are brave? The first night home with a restless child will prove you're a wimp. Being tired, stressed, or frustrated is never a good thing. Yet, being all three at once can be a common occurrence during parenthood.

Finances shift entirely. Splurges or temptations become a matter not only of money but of opportunity cost. If you have a few days a year for a vacation, will you use them on a personal getaway? Or will you take your kids on holiday?

Much like loving or dreading riding a rollercoaster, having kids should be a decision, and it is not for everyone. Parenthood is filled with highs and lows. You fear that anything wrong might happen to your kids. You are hardly ready for the next turn, so you need to control the anxiety of not being in control of their destiny.

But, once you live it, you love it.

You experience joy and excitement through your children's adventures and feel pride as you see them figuring life out.

Having kids is getting back in touch with one's sense of wonder. Watching them get amazed when they learn new things and visit new places is priceless.

Being a parent is like becoming a student all over again. You get to bring back all those lessons your parents and teachers tried to teach you and make them more impactful for your kids.

I became a parent for the third time today.

The moments before birth are a mixture of excitement, anxiety, worry, emotion, and love. It's an indescribable feeling I am grateful to have felt when my children were born. Finally, meeting her is a surreal experience and sensation. Seeing, hearing, hugging, and touching her for the first time are experiences that will forever be tattooed in my brain. No matter how life turns out, I am happy and thankful to have lived through this.

Becoming a parent is a beautiful journey worth every up and down. So, if you're ever in that position, embrace the adventure and enjoy the ride.