The Power of Streaks: Achieving Incredible Things

The Power of Streaks: Achieving Incredible Things
Photo by Estée Janssens / Unsplash

Streaks are a powerful tool and a great hack to achieve incredible things. They work by setting a low enough bar that is achievable but high enough to provide value and make progress toward a goal. The satisfaction of maintaining a streak can be a great motivator to keep going, and it can lead to positive changes in behavior and habits.

One of the most significant benefits of streaks is that they can help break us out of ruts and depressive states.

When we feel stuck and unmotivated, finding the energy to start something new can be challenging. However, by setting a small, achievable goal and maintaining a streak, we can build momentum and start seeing progress.

A couple of years ago, during the middle of the pandemic, I got into an awful rut. Over two months went by without me doing any physical exercise. My Garmin watch showed that I averaged about 1,500 steps per day during a few weeks. One thousand five hundred steps is barely a 15-minute walk, and I was doing that in a full day! So I challenged myself to beat my highest streak on Garmin by averaging more daily steps. I hit my personal best streak of 5 days and continued to a 79-day streak. Every day for nearly three months, I increased my 7-day average daily steps. By the end, I walked about 15,000 steps per day, ten times more than a few months earlier. I had to start running to reach my daily goals. That streak broke a nearly depressive state and got me into great physical shape, just as my body needed to be the most healthy: in the middle of the pandemic.

If you want to start exercising but haven't been active, set a goal to walk 1,000 steps daily and build on that. Over time, you can increase your steps and add other exercises to your routine.

Streaks are also effective at building new habits. Doing something consistently becomes a part of our daily routine and becomes easier over time. We can apply this to many areas, such as reading, writing, learning a new skill, or practicing a language.

A few weeks ago, I decided to write and post something daily. For the first time in my life, I wouldn't judge what I'd write about or who I was writing for. That was my low bar to make this streak possible. It's been nearly one month, and I have published more posts than ever. Of course, I am sacrificing quality for quantity to keep a streak, even during a hectic time. But I am hopeful that in time I will find a better way to write and that I will find an audience that is interested in my writing. This writing streak has not only helped me publish thoughts but has also helped me be more articulate in my English interactions at my business.

A great benefit of streaks is that they focus on the process rather than the outcome. Often, we become fixated on achieving a specific result, which can lead to stress and anxiety. By focusing on maintaining a streak and doing something consistently, we shift our attention to the process of improvement and growth, which can be more fulfilling... and less stressful.

So if you ever feel stuck, start a streak. Set a low bar, and make sure you do the minimum possible to keep it alive. In time, you will build momentum, and before you know it, a new and healthy habit will be part of your life.