The worst life advice I've ever gotten

The worst life advice I've ever gotten
Photo by Tai's Captures / Unsplash

Near the end of high school, I took a typical class that was supposed to help me figure it out what to major in in. Looking back, they could've saved us so much time if someone had just asked me one simple question: "Do you like math?" If the answer was yes, then a bachelor in science was the way to go. If not, arts was the path. That was as far as thst class went.

I loved math, so a bachelor in science was the obvious choice for me. But then came the hard part - deciding which degree to pursue. I asked my relatives and friends for their opinion and the most common suggestion was to study Industrial Engineering because it offered the most job opportunities for graduates.

So, I went ahead and studied Industrial Engineering at Tec de Monterrey, one of the best universities in Latin America. The experience shaped a good part of who I am today and positively influenced my thinking. But here's the thing, looking back, I wish I hadn't just focused on finding a major with good job prospects. I should have found something I was passionate about or a trade that would allow me to create and build new things.

That's why I want to share my recommendation - don't just focus on job prospects when choosing a major. Follow your passions and find something that excites you. You'll thank yourself in the long run.