What's next?

What's next?
Photo by Benjamin Elliott / Unsplash

As I near the milestone of 100 consecutive days of publishing content, I reflect on the future direction of my writing. Until now, I've used this outlet to share insights and lessons learned from past experiences and thoughts and advice based on my current activities. While there is no shortage of topics to write about, I believe my posts' quality can be significantly improved with more time and focus.

Moving forward, I intend to keep writing and publishing content daily but will shift from sending daily updates to my email list. Instead, I will send a weekly newsletter featuring the best of my writing and other weekly recommendations. This change will allow me to dedicate more time to research, resulting in more insightful and well-supported articles.

Additionally, I want to create practical resources such as spreadsheets, Notion pages, and other tools to improve my company and whoever finds them helpful. By providing these materials, I aim to enhance the value of my content and offer tangible benefits to those of you receiving these emails.

To develop a successful strategy, I plan to concentrate on a limited number of topics and create a more predictable and engaging content structure. This approach will ensure that the readers can expect consistently high-quality writing that addresses their interests.

Before that change, I would appreciate your input. Please reply with any ideas, recommendations, or requests for content you'd like me to continue producing. This has all been a first-time experience for me which I am working on and improving.