You still have time to set Objectives for 2023. Here's an OKR Template.

OKRs have become my preferred methodology for setting short-term goals, with a timeframe of less than a year. Having used this approach for several years, I can attest to its effectiveness in helping me achieve things that I might not have otherwise pursued. For instance, I've used OKRs to shift my exercise routine to focus on building strength and to improve my golf game by lowering my handicap.

I wrote about OKRs previously in this post:

Personal OKRs: Unleashing Your Full Potential
It’s one thing to know your Personal Mission, understand your core values, and have a bucket list of experiences and achievements in each of the Six Pillars of the LEVELL Framework: Love, Exploration, Vitality, Education, Legacy, and Livelihood. It’s another to bring those aspirations to life. Ente…

Typically, OKRs are set on a quarterly basis, but it's possible to adjust the cadence to suit your needs. Personally, I've found that a quarterly rhythm works well for me. While I'm currently in the process of creating a Notion page to manage my OKRs, I'm still using a tried-and-true Google Spreadsheet. If you're interested in taking a look, here's the link - I hope you find it helpful:

2023_OKRs_Template (Public)
README This Document1,File => Make a Copy2,Add your info. Modify as you wish. I use this for personal objectives, but may be used for a team or company.3,Right-click “TEMPLATE and hit “DUPLICATE” if you plan on managing this across a team4,If you find this useful enough, please buy me a cof…